In Abia State, Nigeria
The Village of Abiriba (in Abia State) is the International Home of C2V and is actively involved in enhancing lives through four core initiatives. Each initiative receives Tax-deductible Donations year-round, as each addresses a social issue that impacts the Village, daily.

an initiative to promote Feminine Health and Hygiene and address Food Scarcity by providing essential items and food. Items are Gifted in an eco-friendly, reusable bag and distributed to women with enough items to share with the family.
C2V Hosts an Annual Donation Campaign during the month of July, which receives both, Tangible Hygiene Items and Monetary Contributions. The proceeds are Gifted during a Distribution Event each December in Abiriba!
Widows Endowment
a dual-focused initiative to support and protect widows by providing Emergent and Ongoing financial support. Continuity of housing and accessibility of food for children and older adults in the family can be a challenge for many widows.
The initiative also endeavors to advocate for change and the protection of widows, as well as, cultivate and promote compassionate practices.

Educate to Elevate
an initiative to support K-12 academic retention and success. Monetary Donations are received year-round to subsidize tuition and school fees, cost of uniforms, promotional exam fees, school supplies, etc.
During the month of April, Scholarships are provided to high school seniors to accommodate College Entrance Exams - supporting the pursuit of higher education and improving the trajectory of their lives.
an initiative to provide monthly grocery-sized bags of food to reduce food scarcity. A donation of $20 provides items such as tomatoes, green vegetables, African yam, plantain, salt, oil, fresh corn, garri, powdered milk, etc. Families also receive at least one type of meat; beef, chicken, fish or goat.
Monetary Donations are received year-round, as "food scarcity", knows no season.

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